My grandmother and sometimes my grandfather would walk past it with me on walks and some times I would sneak through the vacant lot and spend half a day trying to find a way in through the fence. I always felt like somehow I just needed to get in there. I could hear voices, too low to make out whispering to me, enticing me, calling to me to come in a lot of strong emotions flooding over me, too.
One afternoon the gates were open and I begged my grandmother to take me inside to see what was in the building. When I did, I found that it was pretty deserted. There were no people. Just a big entry way inside the building with tall smooth stone walls and little metal plaques on each square. I asked her why they always wanted me to come inside and she asked "who are you talking about" and I said "the people that want me to come in" and I was confused as to where these people were... I thought if I got in the building I would find them.
Anyway, she looked at me funny and we kept reading the plaques, then we walked out and I asked, "What was that place?" She told me that it was a pet crematorium and mausoleum, explaining that it was like a kind of graveyard, etc.
I asked if we could go back the next day because I liked it a lot. I got the "we'll see" answer. I never saw the gates open again. I still heard the voices and felt the emotions and spent a lot of time near the fence and at the gate wanting with all my heart to get inside. "They" would be so sad when I had to go home for lunch or dinner and I found it hard to leave them. I guess I was a very strange child. Drusila
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