One morning I did that and we talked for hours, I heard my grandparents getting up and around while we were talking. My grandmother poked her head in and I said good morning. She looked at me and said, "Come here right now!" I was scared because she was obviously upset by something. She hugged me and then sent me to play and I was so relieved that I just went. Later, she asked me what I was doing in there, and I told her talking to papa and she looked at me weird and said that I wasn't talking to him and kept pushing for a different answer. She kept on and on and finally let me go do whatever, I think it was eat lunch or something.
Not long after, visitors started showing up and people were busy doing things around the house. It was really crazy there for a while. At some point, my grandparents pulled me aside, sat with me, and told my great grandfather had died in the night. I refused to believe them because I'd just been talking to him that morning! Of course, they refused to believe me!
Years later, as this event was discussed my grandmother, who was an registered nurse for many years, said she could tell he was dead because of his coloring that morning. Also, because she had seen dead people before and she was scared that I was afraid, or would freak out because he was dead.
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