I went out of town to visit a friend and while I was there Tachi suddenly started getting sick, she threw up a couple times and my husband said it was no biggie no need to go to the vet because sometimes dogs just barf stuff like grass or whatever. There was nothing I could do being away from home.
That night I went to sleep and had this dream, a death dream where a beautiful woman with orange hair was dead and I was talking to her and I knew she was dead and I woke up as the weirdest feeling surged through my body, it was electric and my heart was racing and I was freaking out. After a couple of hours I calmed down and got a call from my husband saying that Tachi had died in her sleep, and that he was devastated. I was devastated as well, but also a bit wowed because of the dream I had. So I came home and we had a necropsy done on her corpse by our vet who could reach no firm conclusions.
We mourned our loss and I began taking photos of our other dogs in case we should lose any of the others as I never had many of Tachi. I had taken many photos inside our home before under similar conditions and never caught anything unusual. But, all of a sudden I started getting orb activity and, strangely enough, it was only around the dogs!Eventually they simply stopped showing up and the last photo with orbs in it was taken while I was sitting in a chair and I "felt" Tachi watching me. The room was mostly dark and the picture was taken without a flash so there was nothing in that area to cause any type of reflection.
We got through the holidays and one day we went on a walk in the woods. While we were walking we heard crying and followed it. There we found a litter of puppies. All, except one, ran and hid. That one little yellow one came running over to us and flopped down on her side just wiggling and wagging and so happy to see us! So, we took her home.
When we got her home, she ran into Tachi's crate like she owned it. She laid in all of Tachi's favorite spots and acted just like our former pet. Strangely enough, I later found out that the name "Tachi Renee" roughly translated into "quickly reborn"! Now that’s just spooky!! We named the newest addition to our family "Tachi Evahn".
Boudreaux passed away in August 2004, but no orbs have shown up in photos since his passing. There was, however, a single odd incident the day of his passing. We had gone out to get groceries and nothing abnormal was going on, but I suddenly became dreadfully sick and very dizzy. I was very anxious and emotional and these feelings lasted for about thirty minutes. All I wanted to do was go directly home, but I had to finish picking up the groceries. By the time we were done and headed home the feelings simply lifted and were gone. Very strange, but, and quite sadly, Boudreaux was also gone when we arrived home that afternoon.
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