
 Rogersville Offers Many Firsts in History and Mystery in This Captivating Tour of Tennessee's 2nd Oldest Town!! Will you dare to spend the night at the Hale Springs Inn?
What secrets are contained within one of Rogersville's most historic structures known to history as the Clay-Kenner House. What spirits haunt the Mountain Star Mall? Do ghostly visitors still stay the night at the Hale Springs Inn? What famous figures are buried in one of Rogersville's most historic cemeteries? What tragedy befell a |
weary Civil War Soldier in front of the Masonic Hall? Ongoing activity around many of the historic structures along this tour route have given way to a great number of unique and startling experiences for our guests. The "Hale |  |
 | Springs Inn" (pictured left) is one of the oldest, continually operating inns in the State and as one of the featured stops along this tour route, guests will learn about the tremendous history and hauntings there. |
Rogersville is also host to the oldest Courthouse in the State and the site of Tennessee's first Post Office. The town even had it's very own "underground railroad". Might they yet haunt the old tunnels under several of the towns historic buildings? Discover Haunted Rogersville! |
The Rogersville Ghost Tour Departs From: 407 East Main St, Rogersville, TN 37857
Appalachian GhostWalks' "Haunted Historic Rogersville GhostWalk" Lantern-Led Tour operates year-round by request. Advance reservations online with a minimum of two participants in your party are required to reserve as follows... |
March through October RESERVE NOW Evening Lantern-Led Rogersville Ghost Tours Begin at 8:30 PM DST |
November through February RESERVE NOW
Evening Lantern-Led Rogersville Ghost Tours Begin at 6 PM EST |
Tours and dates are booked on a first come first served basis so it's a good idea to reserve your date as soon as possible. Keep in mind that if you book a tour and need to change the date, or even postpone your tour indefintely, you may do so as often as needed without limits, or change fees for up to one year from the date of purchase. By reserving your tour in advance, you're worry free knowing you will have the tour and date of choice for you and your travel companion, family, or tour group. |
Here Are a Few Reviews From Past Vacationing Guests
My First Experience On A Ghost Tour - During fall break my son and I went on our first ghost tour through Appalachian GhostWalks, it was amazing. My son had been anticipating the tour all day and he was not disappointed. He could not stop talking about the next day! I was very pleased with the level of detail that went into this tour. Our tour guide Stacey was extremely knowlegable about the sites we visited and was very professional and pleasant. As a pastor myself I was impressed with the way he wove the supernatural and bilical truths together. All I can say is it was fascinating and I highly recommend it. Needless to say this will be a permanent fixture on our vacations to Tennessee. Can't wait for the next one! - Yossi S.

I just can't tell you how much fun we had. I am ready to go on another one tonight! At least I have my DVD to watch. Tom and Whitney and me and my best friend Lindsey are planning on staying at the Martha Washington Inn sometime next year. We will let you know if we experience anything. And again, thanks for a great night of history, haunts and humor. - Brandi Lane

I am not usually impressed with a paranoramal investigator. It takes a lot to impress me and for me to compliment someone... well, that means a lot. I feel so honored that Kris introduced me to you. Never have I ever been blown away like I was on your ghost tour. I have met many paranormal investigators, but no one had matched up to your knowledge nor have they met the qualification and professionalism as you. I saw in Jonesborough that you are the real true blue paranormal investigator! I am just so glad we crossed paths! Your the only one I have met that I can say, this is how it is to be done! I am looking so forward to returning there soon and the anticipation has already begun. If I can help you in any way, to help promote you, which I definitely intend to get word around, I will do so! Thanks again!!! - The Meyers

These are just a few of the many kind words expressed by our past guests. Read hundreds of other testimonials on the Guest Review page of our site. Many thanks to our wonderful past guests who we have toured with for more than twenty years. We appreciate you sending us your gracious feedback. We hope to see you again soon for another simply SPOOK-tacular good time!!!
