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Haunted Tennessee True Ghost Stories and Experiences

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True Tennessee Ghost Stories and Haunted Experience Reports


10/14/2005 Elizabethton, Tennessee On the evening of October 14th and the morning of October 15th, in cooperation with Sycamore Shoals State Park, we performed a complete investigation of the interior and exterior of the historic Carter Mansion...
Details Cont'd: located in city of Elizabethton. The results of our investigations are included for guests of the Haunted Historic Elizabethton GhostWalk who thrill to the stories told. During our investigations we were able to speak with one of the ghosts who turned out to be none other than Elizabeth Carter herself! Come visit us to hear about the details on our tour of the town. Happy Ghost Hunting!!! Stacey Allen McGee, Tour Director Appalachian GhostWalks, Founder of The Alternate Realities Center

09/19/2005 Jonesborough, Tennessee I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that we have just completed our initial investigations of two historic and very haunted landmark buildings in the town of Jonesborough to include The Chester Inn which...
Details Cont'd: dates back to 1797, as well as the Red-Widow Brown House, circa 1810. Both are located in Tennessee's oldest town which looks like one of those old country-western ghost towns of the desert southwest! We found some great things on our investigations, both inside and outside the buildings with hundreds of pictures, several video clips, and unusual sounds!

We have also completed a second, follow- up investigation of The very historic and haunted Barter Theater of Abingdon, Virginia at the invitation of Barter’s Administrative Staff. The results of our investigations are now available on Haunted Historic Jonesborough and Abingdon DVDs available on our ghost hunter store online, and they are simply nothing short of astounding and words simply do not do them justice!!! If you know of someone who is into ghost hunting, this is the real proof of hauntings in some of East Tennessee's most historic landmarks! Happy Ghost Hunting!!! Stacey Allen McGee, Tour Director Appalachian GhostWalks, Founder of The Alternate Realities Center

EDITOR'S NOTE: Click Here for more about the Jonesborough and Abingdon GhostWalks.

09/7/2005 Johnson City, Tennessee My son and I lived in an apartment in south Johnson City that had quite a bit of paranormal activity. At the time, however, it never occured to me what was happening. Sometimes, I would hear the sound of someone...
Details Cont'd: walking up and down my steps or I would hear someone walking around upstairs when I was downstairs. I would dismiss it as 'it's just the building settling' or 'it's just the wind'. One night though, I was having an argument with my now ex-boyfriend upstairs when I heard glass break in my kitchen downstairs. I went to look and one of my four wine glasses that my mother had given me as a housewarming gift fell off of the top of my refrigerator. I wouldn't have thought anything of this, except that they were ontop of a placemat to make sure that they wouldn't slide off and I had a few houseplants in front of them. I never figured out how it hopped over my plants and fell to the floor.

Other things happened like the radio would come on in my son's room and play through a whole song and then turn back off. My toilets would also flush by themselves sometimes. I believe that I drove the maintenece man crazy trying to get him to fix my toilets but he said there wasn't anything wrong with them. While I was there, I always had the feeling that I wasn't alone, but it wasn't a bad feeling. I never felt threatened or anything.

I can't say that I REALLY believed in ghosts and such back then. One night changed that for me though. I was in my bed trying to go to sleep when I felt a hand stroke my hair. I jumped up out of bed and looked around but there wasn't anyone there. Sometimes when I would be asleep, I would wake up feeling like someone was sitting on the bed watching me. There isn't anything that happens now since I have moved to my new home, but I will never forget what went on at my apartment. I'm sorry for such a long post but I just wanted to get one of my experiences out there! Have a great day! Amy

EDITOR'S NOTE: Click Here for more information about the "Johnson City Little Chicago GhostWalk".

08/29/2005 Erwin, Tennessee We have just completed our investigations of two very historic buildings in Erwin, Tennessee. We are putting together our script for our Erwin tour now, thanks to the help and cooperation of the Unicoi County...
Details Cont'd: Heritage Museum and Historical Society. During our investigations of the Colonel J.F. Toney Memorial Library, and the very historical Heritage House Museum, we documented spirit orbs and other paranormal activity which we explain more about on our lantern-led tours of the town. We will be offering a DVD that will present our findings for you to view, just as if you went along on the investigations yourself, so that you can draw your own conclusions. Stacey Allen McGee, Tour Director Appalachian GhostWalks, The Alternate Realities Center Founder and International Director

EDITOR'S NOTE: Click Here for more information about the "Haunted Historic Erwin GhostWalk".

08/22/2005 Nashville, Tennessee It has always amazed me how property - land and homes - can give off such negative feelings. Lots of times, I get this eerie feeling from some antiques, too. I have an old Tiffany electric lamp in my home that I can barely go...
Details Cont'd: into the room where it sits. It belonged to my husband's grandmother and he refuses to let me pack it up and, of course, laughs at my uneasiness around it. He has finally asked his sister if she wants it and she jumped at the chance to get it. So, maybe soon, I can move it to her home. I told her about my feelings about it but, like him, she laughed at the thoughts. It is a beautiful lamp and probably worth a small fortune but I would rather have calm feelings in the room. LOL! Just call me crazy! Sharon

08/22/2005 Bristol, Tennessee I am Sharon, originally from Bristol, Virginia but now live north of Nashville. I have always been interested in the supernatural, either by "things" happening to me personally or by listening to the "grown ups" telling...
Details Cont'd: tales while growing up. Starting at an early age, I realized my Grandpa's house wasn't a normal house. Situated in Dickenson County, Virginia, the old house "performed" for us every time we visited until I became so scared of going to visit him that I would litterly get sick on the trip there from Bristol - just thinking about being in that house was so scarey.

Many, many tales to tell about that old house but we finally talked Grandpa into living with us so he left it standing empty. The community, a few years later, tore it down, with Grandpa's permission, due to all the activity that went on there even tho no one was living in it - people seen in the windows, lights in the windows even tho there was never any electricity to the house, blue lights dancing in the oak trees, people talking from inside the house, loud banging and yelling inside.

All the things I had seen and heard growing up. They brought him some of the big iron spikes that held the old log house together and Grandpa carried them in his pocket until the day he died at the age of ninety-five.

I once took a picture of a ghost I got on vacation to Florida. "She" lived with me and traveled with me. A lot of people see her image in the picture immediately but a few can't see her at all. She is standing very close to me while I was trying to snap a picture of my family by one of the huge rocket engines. Let me know if you see her.

By the way, her name is "Elizabeth" dubbed so by me and a lot got blamed on Elizabeth when things were missing or moved in my house. Sorry this first post is so long but once I get started on the supernatural, I can't stop!! Sharon

EDITOR'S NOTE: Click Here for more information about the "Haunted Historic Bristol GhostWalk".

Tennessee Paranormal Case Form

The following simple form offers Tennessee experiencers of ghosts and paranormal phenomena a quick and hassle free way to submit and document these encounters. Your privacy and complete discretion is paramount, but if you prefer proper credit to the author, please check the appropriate box below to indicate it is alright to use your name with the report. If you would like to speak to someone with regard to your case please ensure that you include a valid phone number along with all other pertinent details and a make a comment to that affect in the "Comments" area of the form. We thank you for taking time to visit our site and share your Tennessee ghost, or paranormal Experience.

True Tennessee Ghost Story or
Paranormal Experience Type

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True Tennessee Ghost Stories & Hauntings
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Date of Incident: (Required)

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Tennessee Incident Report: Please describe the experience in great detail concentrating on accuracy. Include information on your surroundings, the weather, time of day, direction of travel of the subject of interest as well as all other pertinent information as it pertains to your case. These can include strange odors, sounds, temperature changes, physical effects on both person and environment, as well as general overall feelings. In short, no detail is too small as not to include it in your report as this data may prove interesting as it relates to other similar cases by comparison. This can lead to recognizable patterns of behavior as well as previously observed patterns in nature which can, in turn, lead to new discoveries, hypotheses, and theories regarding various as yet unexplained phenomena. Thank you for taking the time to submit your true Tennessee ghost story, or paranormal experience report.

As always, your privacy is assured and your information will never be distributed to any other entity. For added discretion, you may click on the following button to indicate whether, or not you would like your name to be used with your Tennessee Ghost and Paranormal Experience Case Form.
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Thank you or taking the time to report your Tennessee paranormal experience to the Alternate Realities Center's Haunted America Project...

Happy Tennessee Ghost Hunting

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