Haunted America True Ghost Stories

Haunted South Carolina True Ghost Stories and Experiences

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True South Carolina Ghost Stories and Haunted Experience Reports


05/1982 Spartanburg, South Carolina When I was quite little, about the age of five, I lived off an on with my Grandparents their house which backed up against a vacant lot. It had bushes and trees and was totally like a mini forest. On the other side of the...
Details Cont'd: lot there was an old building made of grey stone and surrounded by lush evergreens. There was also a very tall wrought iron fence with a rounded, double door gate.

My grandmother and sometimes my grandfather would walk past it with me on walks and some times I would sneak through the vacant lot and spend half a day trying to find a way in through the fence. I always felt like somehow I just needed to get in there. I could hear voices, too low to make out whispering to me, enticing me, calling to me to come in a lot of strong emotions flooding over me, too.

One afternoon the gates were open and I begged my grandmother to take me inside to see what was in the building. When I did, I found that it was pretty deserted. There were no people. Just a big entry way inside the building with tall smooth stone walls and little metal plaques on each square. I asked her why they always wanted me to come inside and she asked "who are you talking about" and I said "the people that want me to come in" and I was confused as to where these people were... I thought if I got in the building I would find them.

Anyway, she looked at me funny and we kept reading the plaques, then we walked out and I asked, "What was that place?" She told me that it was a pet crematorium and mausoleum, explaining that it was like a kind of graveyard, etc.

I asked if we could go back the next day because I liked it a lot. I got the "we'll see" answer. I never saw the gates open again. I still heard the voices and felt the emotions and spent a lot of time near the fence and at the gate wanting with all my heart to get inside. "They" would be so sad when I had to go home for lunch or dinner and I found it hard to leave them. I guess I was a very strange child. Drusila

South Carolina Paranormal Case Form

The following simple form offers South Carolina experiencers of ghosts and paranormal phenomena a quick and hassle free way to submit and document these encounters. Your privacy and complete discretion is paramount, but if you prefer proper credit to the author, please check the appropriate box below to indicate it is alright to use your name with the report. If you would like to speak to someone with regard to your case please ensure that you include a valid phone number along with all other pertinent details and a make a comment to that affect in the "Comments" area of the form. We thank you for taking time to visit our site and share your South Carolina ghost, or paranormal Experience.

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True South Carolina Ghost Stories & Hauntings
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South Carolina Incident Report: Please describe the experience in great detail concentrating on accuracy. Include information on your surroundings, the weather, time of day, direction of travel of the subject of interest as well as all other pertinent information as it pertains to your case. These can include strange odors, sounds, temperature changes, physical effects on both person and environment, as well as general overall feelings. In short, no detail is too small as not to include it in your report as this data may prove interesting as it relates to other similar cases by comparison. This can lead to recognizable patterns of behavior as well as previously observed patterns in nature which can, in turn, lead to new discoveries, hypotheses, and theories regarding various as yet unexplained phenomena. Thank you for taking the time to submit your true South Carolina ghost story, or paranormal experience report.

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