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Haunted North Carolina True Ghost Stories and Experiences

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True North Carolina Ghost Stories and Haunted Experience Reports


05/08/2006 Valle Cruis, North Carolina William West Skiles, who originally came to Valle Crucis Abbey to supervise its farming operation, joined the monastic order; and in 1847, was ordained Deacon. Brother Skiles kept the Episcopal flame alive...
Details Cont'd: from 1852, when the Monastic Order was disbanded, until his death in 1862. Brother Skiles' inspiration led to the construction of St. John's Church, where he is buried. The Church is being reopened after many years.

This church is near by my home and there have been countless reports of unusual and evil things that have happened inside the church and the surrounding grave sites since the mid 1800s. The pastor hung himself inside the church, supposedly with the Bell Tower rope, and there's a lot of very negative energy there. People see a lot of strange orbs dancing around certain graves and there have been reports of many of the old timers in this area who've experienced extreme terror inside the church.

My husband has a story that's been passed down about his grandfather and a couple other men that were forced to stop and spend the night inside St. John's in the late 1800s due to a blizzard. They never actually remained inside the church that night because the church benches all lifted from the floor and slid toward them as if an invisible force was trying to crush them with the benches. They then slid in the direction of the entrance, blocking the doors and rested there as if the spirits were not only trying to crush them but also trying to keep the men from leaving. After that, the windows began to rattle all through the church, and a horrible moaning to get out was heard.

I have quite a few stories relating to unusual activity surrounding the site and quite a few relatives buried there including two aunts that my sister and I were named after. The church is still there and they have services still. Anyone can visit during certain hours but they do lock the gates before dark. There's an owl that people have encountered while driving the narrow dirt road to the church. My husband also had a creepy experience with the owl. It's sometimes known to stop cars by blocking the road by spreading wings and staring at them.

In closing, these mountains are full of ghosts, ghost stories, and unexplained phenomena. The Brown Mountain Lights are strange orbs, which dodge and dart across the mountain, then disappear. The storyline for the hit song "Frankie and Johnny" happened right here in Avery and Mitchell counties and there are many who claim that the Moses Cone Manor House is haunted. The spirits of those killed in a blasting accident when the railroad was being constructed haunt a place called the Devil's Stairs in Ashe County. And, finally, Linville Caverns is believed to be inhabited by little people, which the Cherokee Indians call the "Nunnehi". Bet W.The mountains are full of ghosts, ghost stories and unexplained natural phenomenon. The Brown Mountain Lights are strange orbs, which dodge and dart across the mountain, then disappear. The storyline for the hit song "Frankie and Johnny" happened right here in Avery and Mitchell counties and there are many who claim that the Moses Cone Manor House is haunted.

In addition, the spirits of those killed in a blasting accident when the railroad was being constructed haunt a place called the Devil's Stairs in Ashe County. And, the Linville Caverns are believed to be inhabited by little people, which the Cherokee Indians call Nunnehi. Bet W.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Click Here for more information on the "Legendary Cherokee Bigfoot Adventure Tour" where you'll discover hundreds of years of Cherokee folklore, history, and legend.

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